


We’ve made a list of the most commonly asked questions from both our current and prospective customers: If you have a specific question thiat is not covered here, go to our CONTACT US page and we’ll be glad to assist you.

What should I look for in selecting the best fountain for my pond or lake?

Be sure that the fountain is the proper size for your impoundment. Too small and you won’t get the best performance. Too large and you will spend more money than necessary (in both initial costs and electrical costs). Also, pay close attention to warranty coverage – the actual coverage varies greatly between manufacturers. Finally, make sure you purchase the unit from an authorized dealer/servicing agent.

How often should I have my lake/pond treated for weeds?

You should treat your lake/pond for weeds and algae BEFORE you see it on top of the water. Having a person who has received training in aquatics (even better if they are a State Licensed Applicator)to come out and assess your impoundment is the best way to minimize your costs. They can identify your specific issues and recommend the best overall maintenance program that will meet your needs. 

Why does algae seem to disappear after it rains?

When it rains, it breaks up the algae mats that is floating on the surface, causing it to sink back to the bottom. The algae really doesn’tdisapper“, it just goes below the surface until it grows again, causing it to rise back to the surface.

Are aquatic chemicals hazardous to the fish in my lake/pond?

The answer is YES and NO… All aquatic chemicals are EPA approved to be used in the water. Properly used, they will not harm the fish. If the chemicals are not applied according to their labels, some can be hazardous to the aquatic life. 

For example, applying too much chemical can cause a rapid die-off of the weeds, which can cause too much of a drop in the dissolved oxygen level, thereby promoting a “fish kill” – where most of the fish in the lake/pond die, due to lack of oxgen in the water. 

To minimize this from happening, it is best to have only TDA-certified applicators to administer treatments to your water. At LMSLP, most of our field staff are TDA-certifed applicators, allowing us to make sure we have at least one (if not more) on each of our crews. This is not the case with most of our competitors. 

My water is muddy... Is there anything I can do to make the water clear?

Yes… but is it the best direction for your lake/pond? Muddy water helps in minimizing weed growth, since it helps filter out sunlight. There are several ways to clarify the water, and we would be glad to discuss them with you. A possible alternative to clarifying the water is to “dye” the water with lake dye. This gives the water a beautiful appearance, yet keeping the sunlight filter in place. 

Can I purchase the same chemicals that a lake management uses?

Yes you can. However, some aquatic chemicals are prohibited in various states, some aquatic chemicals require you having a license to purchase & apply them, while others do not. We have many chemicals that we sell “over the counter” to our clients. Please contact us with your problem and we would be glad to help. 

How long should a fountain last?

Depending on your water impoundment, the annual weather, water quality, length of run time each day, a fountain can last between 5-10 years or longer. When purchasing a fountain, be sure to compare warranties before you buy. Likewise, having a quality company (such as LMSLP)handling the installation is important, as well as performing general preventive maintenance, is vital in getting the most out of your fountain investment. 

We have one of the largest selection of fountains around, and we are qualified to sell and service all of them. 

I put in some aquatic chemical in my pond, and within a few days, a bunch of fish were dead. What happened?

A number of things could have caused your “fish kill”… All lead to the same thing – lack of oxygen in the water. 

The chemical you put in could or could not have caused the fish to die. It is important to take a dissolved oxygen reading prior to applying aquatic chemicals, so that you can minimize the effect of the treatment to the water. All of our crews have the necessary test equipment on hand, and are required to take such readings prior to application. Other lake management companies may (or may not) do so. 

The best course of action is to have us come out and apply the chemical properly. “Guessing” on the amount to apply can cost you A LOT more than having a State-licensed applicator come out and do it for you. 

Need Help?

No Matter The Lake Or Pond,
We Can Help!